Welcome to Mold Seekers

Let Mold Seekers provide immediate services for building air quality, toxic mold identification, allergen or other sick house investigations, mold lab testing services, and information on mold, mildew, moisture, pollen, dust mite, & environmental information for building owners, occupants, inspectors.This website provides contact information for expert services and in-depth information about indoor air quality problems: causes of respiratory illness or other symptoms such as neurological or psychological problems, air quality investigation methods, and remediation procedures such as mold cleanup, handling toxic mold contamination, and building repairs.

Mold is everywhere, but elevated levels in
your property can cause serious health
problems. Even if the mold is non-toxic, it
still needs to be removed because the mold
spores will still be present. If your property
has a mold problem we have the knowledge
and instrumentation to find it.
Mold: certain multi-cellular organisms of the
various classes of the kingdom Fungi. There
are over 100,000 different species of mold.
Mold plays a key role in the decomposition of
leaves, wood and other plant debris. Some
molds can be useful to humans. Penicillium
is a type of mold that is used to make cheeses
such as Brie and Roquefort. The drug
penicillin is produced by Penicillium
chrysogenum, a common occurring mold in
most homes.

Many molds such as Stachybotrys (a.k.a.black toxic mold) produce toxic chemicals called mycotoxins that can cause serious health problems. Some health problems attributed to mold are respiratory complications, dermatitis, chronic fatigue,memory loss, hives and many other complications.Mold does not need light to grow; it only needs moisture. Moisture can come from high humidity, dampness or water damage. Mold reproduces by microscopic spores and can start growing within 24 -48 hours after water damage has occurred.Mold grows both indoors and outdoors, but once it is inside is when one can start having problems.One can be exposed to mold by inhalation, direct contact with skin or by accidental ingestion.Exposure to mold isn’t good for anyone and the following people can have more adverse affects to mold: infants/ children, elderly, people with immune system deficiencies, pregnant women and individuals with respiratory conditions.It is common to find mold spores inside your home, but large amounts can cause problems.Currently there are no EPA or government guidelines on limits of mold or mold spores.Therefore, sampling is only useful to determine what type(s) of mold(s) are present. Sampling is also done after remediation to make sure the mold is removed.

Steps you can take:

Is there a musty smell in the building?
Are there visible signs of water damage anywhere?
Has the building ever suffered a roof, basement or plumbing leak?
Is there visible mold in the basement, attic or living area?

Steps we take:

Sampling Methods (any or all
• Air Sample (an outside sample is also
taken as a control sample)
• Bulk Material (pieces of drywall)
• Surface Sample (tape lift or swab)
• Carpet Dust Check

All inspections and remediations are done
in accordance to NY City Department of
Health Guidelines and are confidential,
(only to be shared with the customer).
Only Certified Mold Inspectors have the
training and qualifications needed to take
samples. We also have the proper
equipment and expertise not to
contaminate the sample. The sample is
then sent to an independent lab for testing,
with results received in a few days. Mold
Seekers will then explain the results to the
customer and answer any and all

Have any family members, residents or occupants experienced any of the following adverse health effects?

Chronic colds Flu-like symptoms
Chronic headaches Bloody noses
Coughing Arthritic-like aches
Sinus congestion Equilibrium or balance loss
Upper respiratory distress Irritation of the eyes, nose or throat
Skin rashes Nausea